Diamond Trailers

Here at Diamond Trailers, we have a varied selection of trailers on offer, from ready-made designs to custom trailers that can suit your every need.

Our experience and expertise allows us to strive for perfection in construction and quality with all of our trailers being built with components and material of the highest standard. From food trailers to promotional ones and everything in between, your requirements will always be met. We can deliver anything you wish for.

When you order a trailer from us, you know that you are in good hands every step of the way. We’ll start with designing the perfect fit for your requirements and continue with using our A-grade steel in its implementation.

In every aspect of this process, we believe in delivering only the highest-quality trailers. Each part of your trailer will be carefully inspected and selected for both strength and long-term effectiveness. As such, we believe that our trailers are the best option for trailers that will work just as well on day one as on years down the line.

View our full range of trailers and enquire about your own.
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If we dont' have it, we can build it.

From professional to personal trailers, we’ve got you covered

Though we have an impressive range of trailers in our catalogue, we also understand the need for custom trailers that can accommodate specific requirements.

Our trained team of dedicated professionals are always more than happy to create custom trailers that not only fit those requirements but also represent the highest standards in the industry.

A dedicated team

With a highly-skilled and experienced team of professionals at your disposal, you can rest easy knowing that each and every one of your requirements will be met and that all specifications will be followed to the letter.

We also pride ourselves in delivering a complete customer service experience. If you have any questions or comments about our services and products, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Diamond Trailers

Unit G & H
21 Staal Street
Kya Sand
Randburg, Gauteng
South Africa



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